About Me

I have an absolute need inside me to create but also believe that everyone has an ability to create in their own way and I enjoy facilitating the creative journeys of others by sharing my skills with them.
Born Catherine Elizabeth Clarke on February 3rd 1970, I grew up in Saltaire, West Yorkshire.
I can’t remember a time in my life when I was not creating something. From a very young age I knew that I loved to draw and work with paper, spending hours creating comics, books and paper dolls. I wrote poetry and stories, built pop-up books and origami models, and drew and drew and drew.
My first mural was painted, and my first portrait drawn from life aged 14. Over the years I have had passions for origami, macramé, needlefelting, knitting, tatting, quilling, quilting, rubberstamping, dressmaking, scrapbooking and many, many other crafts.
For most of my adult life my creative energy has gone into projects with children – my own and those I worked with as a childminder, nursery nurse, youth worker and in schools and libraries.
Since embarking on a degree course in Visual Communication at Leeds Arts University, my practice evolved to include 3D work in wood and ceramics and exploration into many types of printmaking techniques.
I welcome enquiries for commissions in any medium
Exhibitions and Awards

December 2018
Thrive exhibition, Headrow House, Leeds
Eulogy for a woodmouse, Earth child and Bees and keys and butterfly wings {and other, gorgeous, tiddly things} – all exhibited

October 2012
Royal Society of miniature painters, sculptors and gravers annual open exhibition, Mall galleries, London.
White Rabbit – exhibited
Bees, keys and butterfly wings {and other, gorgeous, tiddly things} – exhibited
Self portrait (with baby Jess) – exhibited

October 2011
Royal Society of miniature painters, sculptors and gravers annual open exhibition, Mall galleries, London.
Sunshine Supergirl – exhibited

September 2011
10th Annual open International Exhibition of the UKCPS. Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London.
Bad Hair Day (After Rockwell) –Awarded Highly commended Exaclair Pan pastel award

June 2011
150th anniversary exhibition of the Society of Women artists, Mall galleries, London.
Old-timers’, one, two, free!
Jobbin’ jeweller
Both exhibited. Three other pieces, Dick and Dom, Bad hair Day, and Challenging stereotypes 2 were accepted but not hung.

September 2010
9th Annual Open International Exhibition of the UKCPS. Stamford arts centre, Lincolnshire.
Challenging stereotypes 2: the one with the goth, the plastic, the emo, the posh and the chav – Awarded UKCPS Presidents Award

November 2009
Starstruck – Winner of UKCPS Christmas card competition 2009

October 2009
8th Annual Open International Exhibition of the UKCPS. Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, Birmingham; three works accepted
Old-timer’s one, two, free! – Awarded Best of Show
Challenging stereotypes 1:the model family – Awarded the Staedtler prize
Jobbin’ jeweller

October 2008
7th Annual Open International Exhibition of the UKCPS. Royal West of England gallery,Bristol. Two works accepted
Me me, you me – Awarded Derwent Prize
The art of communication